Conferencia: Avances en investigación de la Biodiversidad Marina del Perú

Conferencia sobre avances en investigación de la Biodiversidad Marina del Perú por parte del Laboratorio de Biología Marina de la UPCH:

Corambe mancorensis, Una nueva especie de nudibranquio (babosa marina) para el Perú



Nudibranch molluscs of the genus Corambe differ from most other Doridoidea by having ventral
rather than dorsal anus and gills. Because of these and other features, such as separate cerebral and pleural ganglia, corambids have been considered as an archaic o
r enigmatic group. The first tropical eastern Pacific Corambe species is described in morphological and some histological detail. Selected organs such as circulatory and central nervous features are reconstructed from serial semithin histological slides and visualized in three dimensions using Amira software. Anatomical findings include two separate ganglia on the visceral loop and an additional ganglion on the right side of the body that is connected to the pedal ganglion. Corambe mancorensis n. sp. is dorsoventrally depressed, has an oval, fleshy notum covered with a cuticle, and has a wide posterior medial notch that can be closed completely by unique lobules. Gills are arranged in an unusual horse shoe-like manner including both phanerobranch anal (¼medial) gills and corambid lateroventral gill rows, and are connected to the atrium by a complex vessel system. The three medial gills arise from a posterodorsal gill cavity within the notal notch, similar to the case in Corambe evelinae Marcus, 1958. By scanning electron microscopy a vestigial gill cavity is also detectable in C. pacifica MacFarland & O’Donoghue, 1929, but here it is situated ventrally. Our new information on adult corambids is compared with new and published ontogenetic data on phanerobranch and cryptobranch dorids, to contribute to a novel interpretation of the ontogeny of dorid mantle and gill complexes. The progenetic evolution of corambids ‘recapitulates’ early juvenile dorid stages – turning Haeckel’s Law upside down.

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Journal of Molluscan Studies (2011) 77: 129–141.

Descripción anatomica 3D de Corambe mancorensis Martynov, Brenzinger, Hooker & Schrödl, 2011

Clathria (Microciona) aculeofila, una nueva especie de esponja marina epibionte de erizos, Perú

A new Clathria (Demospongiae, Microcionidae) from Peru occurring on rocky substrates as well as epibiontic on Eucidaris thouarsii sea urchins

Zootaxa 3085: 41–54 (2011)

Southeastern Pacific sponges (Phylum Porifera) range among the world’s least known faunas, with only 13 species reported to date from the entire Peruvian coast. This state of affairs motivated the onset of two large, cooperative, exploratory initiatives, with the aim of mapping sponge richness and distribution in the area: Proyectos ESPER and EsponjAS. Over 800 specimens have been collected in Peru since 2007, with identifications still in progress. Among these, a sponge species originally thought to be an exclusive epibiont on Eucidaris thouarsii sea urchins, relatively conspicuous on Peru’s Punta Sal region. This sponge, latter found to occur on additional substrates too, is described as a new species of Clathria (Microciona). Cidarid density ranged between 1.5 and 12/m2, and largest diameter of the tests between 3.2 and 5.6 cm. Total number of spines on each sea urchin varied between 68 and 96, and percent sponge coverage of these, between 18.2 and 75.7. There appears to be only a slight tendency for increased sponge coverage on larger sea urchins, so there may be factors, other than sea urchin age, shaping this association. Clathria (Microciona) aculeofila sp. nov. can be markedly dominant as an epibiont on E. thouarsii, albeit the great sponge richness in the area. This is in contrast to the allegedly opportunistic, diverse epibiosis by sponges reported previously for Antarctic cidaroids.

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Zootaxa 3085: 41–54 (2011)

Propuestas: Area Marina Protegida "El Ñuro"

Libro: Isla Foca, Guia de Fauna Silvestre

Autores: Jorge Novoa Cova, Yuri Hooker Mantilla y Alvaro Garcia Olaechea

Isla Foca es un lugar excepcional del litoral peruano. Es la isla más norteña y está situada en la zona de ecotono entre la Provincia Biogeográfica Peruana (con fauna de aguas templadas) y la Provincia Panámica (fauna tipicamente tropical). En este libro, ilustrado con magníficas fotos terrestres y submarinas, podra observar las fascinantes especies de mamíferos, aves, reptiles, peces e invertebrados acuáticos que pueblan esta isla, en una mezcla de fauna única en el mundo.

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Peru Submarino: Vida bajo las Olas

New records of coastal tropical fish in Peru

Nuevos Registros de Peces Costeros Tropicales para el Perú
Por: Yuri Hooker, Laboratorio de Biología marina, UPCH
Rev. peru biol., ago. 2009, vol.16, no.1, p.33-41

Urobatis halleri “raya batea”
Cephalopholis panamensis “mero de peña”

Prognathodes carlhubbsi "Mariposa guadaña"

Stegastes beebei "castañuela de Galapagos"

Cirrhitus rivulatus “mero mapa”

Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus "Pez alcón"

Thalassoma lucasanum “viejita cabeza azul”
Thalassoma grammaticum "viejita crepusculo"

Axoclinus lucillae "tres aletas de Panama"

Elacatinus puncticulatus "gobio cabeza roja"

Coryphopterus urospilus "gobio de puntos"

Lythrypnus dalli "gusanito diablo"

Myripristis leiognathus "Pex soldado"

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